Tangy Pickled Mango Sauce That Is Perfect For Dipping

This tangy Amba sauce is a potent mix of unripe green mango, vegetable vinegar, and spices like fenugreek, cumin, and sumac (flavor like lemon). Though some recipes for amba sauce is a completely smooth consistency, some prefer to keep some of the mango flesh intact for textural contrast and a bit of bite. Despite its sweet aroma and its slightly bitter taste. The sweetness of the brown sugar tempers the spiciness of the chili peppers and cayenne pepper. Chefs suggest amba is an excellent condiment for roasted meats, and if you want a quick dip, try mixing it with labneh.

Consider that green mangoes, typically used in traditional amba sauce recipes, must be matured in the sun for many days. If you use canned or fresh, ripe, unsweetened mangoes is a more convenient shortcut in this recipe.

A Must-Try Recipe For Amba Sauce


  • Two Tablespoons Of Canola Oil
  • Infuse One Tablespoon Of Mustard Seeds
  • Hot Chile Pepper (Seeded And Diced Into Small Pieces)
  • Peeled Five Ripe Mangoes( Seeded And Chopped Into Small Pieces)
  • Few Drops Of Lemon Juice
  • One-Fourth Cup Of Brown Sugar
  • One Mug Of Water Or More As Per The Requirement
  • Two Tablespoons Of Cumin Seed Powder And Fenugreek Powder
  • 1/4 Of A Teaspoon Of Sumac Powder
  • Add 1/2 Teaspoon Of Cayenne Pepper Or More As Per Your Taste
  • Kosher Salt, At Least Two Tablespoons (Or To Taste)


Remove the mango skin and Split the mango in half, then scoop out the seed. Again cut the mangoes into small pieces. Take a small saucepan, vinegar, water, and all the spices to a boil over medium heat. Stir in the diced mango and bring the whole thing back to a simmer over medium heat. Keep at a low spot for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Take off the heat and wait around 10 minutes until the mango slices have become translucent.


Do not wash the pot after transferring the cooled mango-vinegar gravy to a blender. Run the blender for about 30 seconds until the mixture is completely smooth.


Take the scraped mango puree and pour it into the pot you set aside before—Cook at a low simmer for a few minutes. Simmer, frequently stirring, for 2 minutes or until amba darkens by one or two shades. Turn off the heat and wait 20-30 minutes before serving.

Extra Tips

You can keep the amba sauce in the fridge for up to two weeks if you seal it in an airtight container. Enjoy any food you want.