Epoxy Resins: How To Make The Most Out Of It!

With the covid pandemic, so many new industries have come up. We all saw new trends, new products, and unbelievable fashion hacks. One such trend was epoxy resin. It was used in accessories like rings and necklaces and so many other things. Artists made a new world of this clear liquid, from home decor to utilities. Let’s not talk about its chemical properties but three tips that will make the whole process easy for you.


Temperature is a tiny thing until it makes a huge difference. With resin art, keeping an eye on the temperature is very important. If your resin turns out sticky, it may be due to scorching climatic conditions.

To prevent the resin from dying out too quickly or remaining sticky, pour it when the temperature is between 70-72 degrees. Check the weather reports beforehand and avoid rainy weather.

All Silicone Molds Are Marvelous:

Beginner artists may feel overwhelmed by the variety of resins and resin supplies available in the market. It may also feel intimidating to start making resin crafts. Trust us; only the first step feels hard. The more you do, the more you will learn. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the different types of molds available in the market; all silicone molds work great with resin.

Baking pans and candy molds are great options too. You don’t have to invest in expensive supplies to make beautiful resin art. Just begin with whatever you have at home. You can upgrade with tools as you progress more.

Have A Good Workplace:

No, we’re not discussing having a prominent workplace with expensive tools. Have a space dedicated to your resin work. This space should be well-ventilated. Working in an area with restricted airflow will cause headaches and other health hazards. There are many potential risks with using resin in a closed space.

Some people prefer using masks as well. But using a mask in an open space means more protection. Clean your space regularly. Refrain from having any food or drinks on the same table as your resin art. Also, your resin artwork will need time to cure. You’ll need to leave it untouched for a couple of hours at least.


Resin is a smart option for making different things. You need to be creative and practice well. You will get better with practice, and with resin, you can turn your creativity into beautiful art.

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